How can I cancel my order?
- To cancel your order, please log in to the website using your credentials, go to the Orders section, and click on the cancel option. Upon receiving your cancellation request, we will contact you to confirm the cancellation.
- In certain cases, free order cancellations may not be allowed after a specific timeframe and a cancellation fee may apply. The timeframe for cancellation is specified on the product page or order confirmation page and is considered final.
- Mobile Square India reserves the right to accept or decline order cancellations and may modify the cancellation timeframe or fees as needed.
- If you request to cancel an order that has already been dispatched, we will make an effort to halt the shipment.
- If you are contacted by a delivery person to receive a shipment after applying for a return, please reject it.
- For prepaid transactions, the refund will be initiated once the return process is initiated.
- In cases where customer contact information is incorrect or suspicious, we will attempt to verify it. If there is no response, we may automatically cancel the order with or without prior notice.
- In the event of a seller-initiated cancellation due to unforeseen circumstances, a full refund will be issued for prepaid orders.
What do I do if I receive the wrong product?
If you have not received the correct order, please raise a request in your account. You should document the received content through photos or videos and send them to us. Our internal team will investigate and provide updates on the case. Please note that resolving such cases may take some time.
To resolve complaints regarding the site or obtain further information about its use, please contact us at:
Mobile Square India
Phone: +91-8056140898
Email: support@mobilesquare.in